
  • Nature Outlook |

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an extraordinary toll.

    Image: Sam Falconer
  • Nature Outlook |

    Drugs that alter the perception of reality and were largely illicit are now being considered as therapies for a range of mental and even physical disorders.

    Image: Scott Balmer
  • Nature Outlook |

    There is no malignancy more common for a man in a high-income country than prostate cancer.

    Image: Sèbastien Thibault
  • Nature Outlook |

    Depression afflicts roughly one in 25 people worldwide.

    Image: Kim Salt
  • Nature Outlook |

    Our sense of smell has a reputation for being underdeveloped — but this is ill-founded. The events of the past two years, in which millions of people lost their sense of smell to COVID-19, have put the spotlight on research emerging from the world of olfaction.

    Image: Sam Falconer
  • Nature Outlook |

    Every year, more than 800,000 people worldwide die from hepatitis-B-related liver disease — a greater toll than from malaria. But efforts to curb transmission and discover a cure are picking up steam.

    Image: Chiara Zarmati
  • Nature Outlook |

    In this United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing, we unravel some mysteries of human longevity.

    Image: Sam Falconer
  • Nature Outlook |

    Despite being one of the most lethal cancers, ovarian cancer has often been overlooked. However, advances in understanding of the disease have begun to yield improvements in care.

    Image: Antoine Dore
  • Nature Outlook |

    The mouth is home to some of the most common maladies known to humankind, including tooth decay and gum disease.

    Image: Giulio Bonasera
  • Nature Outlook |

    Stem cells can self-renew and give rise to other cell types, and could therefore be the key to regenerating all manner of tissues damaged by injury or disease.

    Image: Markos Kay
  • Nature Outlook |

    Everyone wants the best for their children, but sometimes biological miscues obstruct that hope. This is true for sickle-cell disease, a disorder in which red blood cells take on an abnormal shape — leading to pain, organ damage and shorter lives.

    Image: Taj Tenfold