
  • Innovations In |

    An abundance of research over the past few decades has shown how dramatically the environment in which we live – the air we breathe, the water we drink, the temperature outside – can influence our health.

    Image: Chiara Verchesi
  • Innovations In |

    As the first wave of the COVID pandemic washed across the world, it left devastation in its wake – devastation that was persistently most acute among disadvantaged people and in marginalized communities.

    Image: Chiara Vercesi
  • Innovations In |

    Cancer, in all its forms, is most treatable when caught early.

    Image: Harry Campbell
  • Innovations In |

    Gene therapy has come a long way since its first proof-of-concept experiments in the 1990s.

    Image: Luisa Jung
  • Innovations In |

    Over the next decade artificial intelligence is likely to transform the biomedical world.

  • Innovations In |

    Physicians have long been unable to touch the biological code that drives disease.

    Image: Enan Liang
  • Innovations In |

    In recent centuries we have learned so much about the worlds around and within us that it may sometimes seem that no nook is left unexplored. The truth is, though, that every new discovery leads us to ever deeper questions. Innovations In: The Biggest Questions in Science is a special report on the state of inquiry into these questions—the latest research on the nature of spacetime, the identity of dark matter, the origins of life, the source of consciousness, and more.

    Image: Chris Gash
  • Innovations In |

    The human body plays host to a vast and diverse microbial community. From metabolic regulation to immunologic maintenance, the microbiome performs functions vital to our health. Innovations in the Microbiomedistils the most critical Insights from the recent explosion in microbiome research. As science continues to unravel the host–microbiome relationship, clues are emerging for the treatment of disease.