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  • As antibiotic-resistant infections continue to rise globally, the development and application of phage therapy represents not only a promising but also a mandatory alternative approach to tackle this major public-health threat.

  • In observance of World Water Day, Nature Microbiology calls attention to research avenues that run through freshwater microbiology.

  • Mentorship can be invaluable to a research career, but more guidance is needed to ensure effective mentor–mentee relationships.

  • To coincide with the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, we present a set of specially commissioned commentary and review articles that call attention to the outsized impact of microbes on the environment.

  • As resistance against antimicrobials continues to grow, collective action must be taken to turn the tide against this global public-health concern.

  • As more PhD students and postdoctoral fellows transition to professions outside academia, training programmes must prepare scientists for these alternative careers.

  • Investment in a new tuberculosis vaccine is a landmark step forward, but continued efforts to advance treatments, diagnostics and biosocial issues are needed to meet targets to end the epidemic by 2035.

  • This month we debut a new article type at Nature Microbiology called Microbe Matters that we hope will inspire and entertain by showcasing what motivates microbiologists and virologists.

  • Microbiota-targeted interventions for malnutrition are under investigation, but complex illnesses associated with malnutrition, such as eating disorders, may not be straightforward to treat.

  • Evidence that bacterial infection shapes susceptibility to recurrent UTI via epigenetic memory shows that integrated approaches that consider host and pathogen are essential to develop effective treatments.

  • Characterization of an ancient chemosynthetic process in modern oceans prompts investigation into microbial metabolisms that might be hiding in the dark.

  • Reports of diphtheria cases in asylum seekers in the UK remind us that understanding and mitigating the risks posed by infectious diseases to disadvantaged peoples remain important.

  • We present a series of commissioned articles authored by people from groups that are under-represented in research, to highlight past and present scientific contributions in microbiology and to increase the diversity of Nature Microbiology authors.

  • Methods for monitoring wastewater for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and emerging variants have risen to prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Routine monitoring of wastewater should be deployed around the world to mitigate the spread of pathogens, both old and new.

  • Crewed missions to other planets are currently being planned, and fully automated, robotic missions are likely to return samples from other planets to Earth, so it will be important to carefully evaluate and minimize any associated microbiological risks.

  • We present a specially commissioned set of articles to mark UN International Women’s Day that highlight gender inequalities that impact women in academia, clinical research and healthcare, and celebrate the achievements of female microbiologists.
