Thrombopoiesis articles within Nature


  • Article |

    A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in more than 66,000 individuals identifies 68 new genomic loci that reliably associate with platelet count and volume, and reveals new gene functions.

    • Christian Gieger
    • , Aparna Radhakrishnan
    •  & Nicole Soranzo
  • Letter |

    Here, a new type of behaviour of receptor–ligand bonds has been identified, by using a new method that links receptor and ligand in a single molecule to measure binding and unbinding. The binding of von Willebrand factor to the glycoprotein Ib α subunit on the surface of platelets is important for coagulation. This receptor–ligand bond is now shown to have two distinct states, one seen at low force and a second that has greater force resistance. This has implications for how increased blood flow activates platelet plug formation.

    • Jongseong Kim
    • , Cheng-Zhong Zhang
    •  & Timothy A. Springer

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