Quantum chemistry articles within Nature


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    Recent developments that reduce the computational cost and scaling of wavefunction-based quantum-chemical techniques open the way to the successful application of such techniques to a variety of real-world solids.

    • George H. Booth
    • , Andreas Grüneis
    •  & Ali Alavi
  • Letter |

    The exciton state in semiconductors, where an electron and hole are paired, has been studied extensively, but the properties of exciton states involving three or more charged particles are largely unknown. These authors use a challenging spectroscopy technique to generate and characterize biexcitons, triexcitons and other, unbound, correlations in a gallium arsenide nanostructure. It was previously unknown whether triexcitons, which involve correlations between six particles, can exist at all.

    • Daniel B. Turner
    •  & Keith A. Nelson
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    A quantum spin liquid is a hypothetical system of spins (such as those carried by electrons), the orientations of which continue to fluctuate even at absolute zero. Theoretical and experimental evidence for the existence of such states at the microscopic level is elusive, but these authors have modelled correlated electrons arranged on a honeycomb lattice (such as in graphene), and identified the conditions under which a microscopic quantum spin liquid would be realized in two dimensions.

    • Z. Y. Meng
    • , T. C. Lang
    •  & A. Muramatsu