Pharmacogenomics articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    Exploration of the interacting effect of statin exposure and genetic variation on gene expression identifies a cis-eQTL that is differentially associated with expression of the GATM gene, which encodes a rate-limiting enzyme involved in creatine synthesis, and that is associated with incidence of statin-induced myopathy, the major adverse effect of statin treatment.

    • Lara M. Mangravite
    • , Barbara E. Engelhardt
    •  & Ronald M. Krauss
  • Outlook |

    Can doctors calculate a patient's chance of being cured by searching their DNA? Hepatitis C researchers are starting to make this a reality.

    • Amy Maxmen
  • News & Views Forum |

    Variation in a genomic region that contains the cancer-associated gene ATM affects a patient's response to the diabetes drug metformin. Two experts discuss the implications for understanding diabetes and the link to cancer.

    • Morris J. Birnbaum
    •  & Reuben J. Shaw