Parasite evolution articles within Nature


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    Analyses of in-frame stop codons in protein-coding genes of Blastocrithidia nonstop with all three stop codons reassigned reveal a mechanism for UGA reassignment in eukaryotes involving shortening of the tRNA anticodon stem and a mutant eRF1 release factor.

    • Ambar Kachale
    • , Zuzana Pavlíková
    •  & Julius Lukeš
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    The leg-enriched sensory appendage protein, SAP2, confers pyrethroid resistance to Anopheles gambiae, through high-affinity binding of pyrethroid insecticides; an observed selective sweep in field mosquitoes mirrors the increasing resistance reported in Africa.

    • Victoria A. Ingham
    • , Amalia Anthousi
    •  & Hilary Ranson
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    The evolutionary origin of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has been much debated. Genetic analysis of a large number of faecal samples from wild-living African apes now shows that Plasmodium parasites from Western gorillas are most closely related to the human parasite. The data suggest that human P. falciparum evolved from a gorilla parasite after a single host transfer event.

    • Weimin Liu
    • , Yingying Li
    •  & Beatrice H. Hahn