Oncogene proteins articles within Nature


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    Cryo-electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography are used to provide structural and mechanistic details of the activation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase by the ligands ALKAL1 and ALKAL2.

    • Andrey V. Reshetnyak
    • , Paolo Rossi
    •  & Charalampos G. Kalodimos
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    PLX4032 is a selective inhibitor of the B-RAF protein that has shown promising results in an early clinical trial in melanoma patients with an activating mutation in B-RAF. Now the structure and function of this inhibitor are described. Translational data from a phase I trial show that clinical efficacy requires a substantial degree of inhibition of the ERK pathway downstream of B-RAF. The data also show that BRAF-mutant melanomas are highly dependent on B-RAF activity.

    • Gideon Bollag
    • , Peter Hirth
    •  & Keith Nolop
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    Cellular senescence — an irreversible cell-cycle arrest — has been implicated in suppressing tumour formation or growth. A new cellular signalling pathway that drives senescence has now been identified. This pathway does not involve most known mediators of senescence, and instead signals via the proteins Atf4, p27 and p21. Inactivating the proto-oncogene Skp2 in the context of oncogenic signalling can induce senescence through this new pathway, indicating that drugs that target Skp2 might be useful in cancer treatment.

    • Hui-Kuan Lin
    • , Zhenbang Chen
    •  & Pier Paolo Pandolfi
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    The RAS–RAF signalling pathway is an attractive target for drug development in oncology, and several RAF inhibitors are being tested in clinical trials. Here and in an accompanying paper, RAF inhibitors are shown to have opposing roles, functioning as either inhibitors or activators of RAF depending on the cellular context and mutational status of RAF. The mechanistic basis for these opposing roles is dissected. The results have implications for the clinical use of these inhibitors and for the design of kinase inhibitors.

    • Poulikos I. Poulikakos
    • , Chao Zhang
    •  & Neal Rosen