Nucleus articles within Nature


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    A protein condensate formed by multivalent interactions between the long non-coding RNA Xist and specific RNA-binding proteins drives the compartmentalization required to perpetuate gene silencing on the inactive X chromosome.

    • Amy Pandya-Jones
    • , Yolanda Markaki
    •  & Kathrin Plath
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    Ageing is a complex process involving defects in various cellular components. The latest evidence suggests a unifying mechanism for cellular ageing that is relevant to the development of common age-related diseases. See Article p.359

    • Daniel P. Kelly
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    The size of a cell's nucleus is usually proportional to the size of the cell itself. How are the two linked? The answer lies, at least in part, in the import of one or more cytoplasmic cargoes into the nucleus.

    • Orna Cohen-Fix