Membrane fusion articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    The GTPase dynamin provides the driving force for fission of membrane-bound vesicular structures; here, it is shown that dynamin-driven membrane fission proceeds in two mechanistically distinct stages that are separated by a metastable hemi-fission intermediate that requires GTP hydrolysis for progression to full fission.

    • Juha-Pekka Mattila
    • , Anna V. Shnyrova
    •  & Vadim A. Frolov
  • Letter |

    The ESCRT-III complex is implicated in the reformation of the nuclear envelope; the CHMP2A component of ESCRT-III is directed to the forming nuclear envelope through classical ESCRT-assembly mechanisms, with the help of the p97 complex component UFD1, and provides an activity essential for nuclear envelope reformation.

    • Yolanda Olmos
    • , Lorna Hodgson
    •  & Jeremy G. Carlton