Mathematics and computing articles within Nature


  • Career Brief |

    Online forum matches queries about employers with answers from current employees.

  • Career Brief |

    Online tool will help female nanoscientists to develop their careers.

  • News Feature |

    By mining a database of the world's books, Erez Lieberman Aiden is attempting to automate much of humanities research. But is the field ready to be digitized?

    • Eric Hand
  • Editorial |

    National cybersecurity plans should go beyond the cold-war mentality of an arms race and focus more on linking traditional computer security with protections for industrial control systems.

  • News & Views |

    One mathematical model can account for power-law distributions in a variety of systems. Eschewing system-specific assumptions, it utilizes a shared feature of the observed distributions: they all describe the division of items into groups.

    • Lada Adamic
  • News Feature |

    Physicists have always thought quantum computing is hard because quantum states are incredibly fragile. But could noise and messiness actually help things along?

    • Zeeya Merali
  • Career Brief |

    Holders of computer science PhDs are increasingly going into industry and postdoc jobs rather than tenured academia.

  • Feature |

    Despite market gyrations, banks can offer mathematicians and physicists a way to put their acumen to lucrative use.

    • David Lindley
  • Letter |

    In a significant step forward in complexity and capability for bottom-up assembly of nanoelectronic circuits, this study demonstrates scalable and programmable logic tiles based on semiconductor nanowire transistor arrays. The same logic tile, consisting 496 configurable transistor nodes in an area of about 960 μm2, could be programmed and operated as, among other functions, a full-adder, full-subtractor and multiplexer. The promise is that these logic tiles can be cascaded to realize fully integrated nanoprocessors with computing, memory and addressing capabilities.

    • Hao Yan
    • , Hwan Sung Choe
    •  & Charles M. Lieber
  • Comment |

    Earth scientists need better incentives, rewards and mechanisms to achieve free and open data exchange, says David Carlson.

    • David Carlson
  • News & Views |

    Generations of physicists have spent much of their lives using Richard Feynman's famous diagrams to calculate how particles interact. New mathematical tools are simplifying the results and suggesting improved underlying principles.

    • Neil Turok
  • Outlook |

    Health biomarkers, smart technology and social networks are hastening an era of nutrition tailored to your individual needs but relying on information generated by the crowd.

    • Arran Frood
  • Books & Arts |

    An engaging biography of John Atanasoff reveals the obscure origins of the computer, explains John Gilbey.

    • John Gilbey
  • Books & Arts |

    A hands-on exhibition shows how online tools are shaping the way we use knowledge, says Aleks Krotoski.

    • Aleks Krotoski
  • News & Views |

    Hybrid quantum systems have been suggested as a potential route to building a quantum computer. The latest research shows that they offer a robust solution to developing a form of random access memory for such a machine.

    • Miles Blencowe
  • Autumn Books |

    Jascha Hoffman reads about the rise of nonsense statistics in everything from adverts to voting.

    • Jascha Hoffman
  • Comment |

    As the data deluge swells, statisticians are evolving from contributors to collaborators. Sallie Ann Keller urges funders, universities and associations to encourage this shift.

    • Sallie Ann Keller
  • News |

    Fired researcher's allegations of misconduct prompt university to investigate vaccine trial.

    • Emma Marris
  • Opinion |

    National censuses and surveys are threatened around the world by high costs and low response rates. The demographic data they yield are too valuable to lose, warn Stephen E. Fienberg and Kenneth Prewitt.

    • Stephen E. Fienberg
    •  & Kenneth Prewitt
  • Prospects |

    A new online facility allows users to delve into Naturejobs's career and salary survey data on their own terms, explains Gene Russo.

    • Gene Russo