Integrins articles within Nature


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Synthetic cell adhesion molecules yield customized cell–cell interactions with adhesion properties that are similar to native interactions, and offer abilities for cell and tissue engineering and for systematically studying multicellular organization.

    • Adam J. Stevens
    • , Andrew R. Harris
    •  & Wendell A. Lim
  • Article |

    Metastatic cancer cells are shown to have a tendency towards forming a bulky glycocalyx owing to the production of large glycoproteins, and this cancer-associated glycocalyx has a mechanical effect on the spatial organization of integrins — by funnelling integrins into adhesions, integrin clustering and signalling is promoted, which leads to enhanced cell survival and proliferation.

    • Matthew J. Paszek
    • , Christopher C. DuFort
    •  & Valerie M. Weaver
  • Letter |

    The direction of integrin signalling is found to be determined by the coordinated and opposing binding waves of talin and Gα13 to the same region of the integrin β3 cytoplasmic domain at mutually exclusive but distinct sites, and a potent new anti-thrombotic drug that does not cause bleeding is designed on the basis of these findings.

    • Bo Shen
    • , Xiaojuan Zhao
    •  & Xiaoping Du
  • Letter |

    Lymphocyte migration in the spleen is visualized live in mice using a real-time two-photon laser-scanning microscopy approach revealing that marginal zone and follicular B cells are highly motile and can shuttle between compartments, and integrin adhesion is the key to cellular retention in the marginal zone.

    • Tal I. Arnon
    • , Robert M. Horton
    •  & Jason G. Cyster
  • Letter |

    Focal adhesions link the extracellular matrix by integrin receptors to cytoplasmic actin filaments and are fundamental to human physiology. These authors determine the molecular architecture of focal adhesions by mapping protein organization at the nanoscale level. The results demonstrate that focal adhesions possess a well-organized ultrastructure made up of at least three spatial and functional compartments that mediate their interdependent functions.

    • Pakorn Kanchanawong
    • , Gleb Shtengel
    •  & Clare M. Waterman