Genetics articles within Nature


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    Tiny particles carrying short strands of RNA can interfere with protein production in tumours.

    • Janet Fang
  • Letter |

    In multicellular organisms, apoptotic cells are removed from tissues by phagocytes, which recognize and engulf the dying cells. The molecular mechanisms underlying the subsequent degradation of the cells have been unclear. Here, two evolutionarily conserved genes have been identified that are required for such processing in Caenorhabditis elegans and mammals. An understanding of these events could lead to new treatments for diseases associated with poor engulfment and destruction of dying cells.

    • Jason M. Kinchen
    •  & Kodi S. Ravichandran
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Fungi from the genus Fusarium are important pathogens of animals and crop plants. Some have a wide host range, whereas others are more specific in the organisms they infect. Here, clues are provided as to how differences in specificity come about. The genomes of two Fusarium fungi with differing host ranges have been sequenced, and compared with the genome of a third species. Experiments show that transferring two whole chromosomes turns a non-pathogenic Fusarium strain into a pathogenic one.

    • Li-Jun Ma
    • , H. Charlotte van der Does
    •  & Martijn Rep
  • News & Views |

    Pipefish and related species provide rare examples of extreme male parental care. Controlled breeding experiments allow the resulting conflicts of interest between female, male and offspring to be explored.

    • Anders Berglund
  • Letter |

    An extensive genome-wide survey of over 48,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms in dogs and their wild progenitor, the grey wolf, was conducted to shed light on the process of dog diversification. The results reveal that much of genome diversity came from Middle Eastern progenitors, combined with interbreeding with local wolf populations, and that recent evolution involved limited genetic variation to create the phenotypic diversity of modern dogs.

    • Bridgett M. vonHoldt
    • , John P. Pollinger
    •  & Robert K. Wayne
  • Letter |

    Variation in the regulation of gene transcription between individuals is thought to be a major cause of phenotypic diversity. Here, individual differences in the binding of transcription-factor proteins are studied. A well-known transcription factor in the yeast pheromone pathway is used as an example, and the underlying genetic loci responsible for variation in its binding are mapped. The study reveals new insights into the mechanisms of gene regulation, and new regulators of the yeast pheromone pathway.

    • Wei Zheng
    • , Hongyu Zhao
    •  & Michael Snyder
  • Letter
    | Open Access

    The freshwater cnidarian Hydra is a significant model for studies of axial patterning, stem cell biology and regeneration. Its (A+T)-rich genome has now been sequenced. Comparison of this genome with those of other animals provides insights into the evolution of epithelia, contractile tissues, developmentally regulated transcription factors, pluripotency genes and more.

    • Jarrod A. Chapman
    • , Ewen F. Kirkness
    •  & Robert E. Steele
  • Letter |

    There is much interest in understanding the genetic mechanisms that underlie individual variations in gene expression. Here, RNA sequencing has been used to study gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from Nigerian individuals for whom extensive genotype information is known. Numerous genetic determinants of variation in gene expression were identified, including variation in transcription, splicing and allele-specific expression.

    • Joseph K. Pickrell
    • , John C. Marioni
    •  & Jonathan K. Pritchard
  • Letter |

    Here, sequencing has been used to characterize the mRNA fraction of the transcriptome in Caucasian individuals, to provide a fine-scale view of transcriptomes and to identify genetic variants that affect alternative splicing. Measuring allele-specific expression identified rare expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and allelic differences in transcript structure, revealing new properties of genetic effects on the transcriptome.

    • Stephen B. Montgomery
    • , Micha Sammeth
    •  & Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis
  • Letter
    | Open Access

    Here, the genomes of birds representing eight populations of domestic chickens are compared with the genome of their wild ancestor, the red jungle fowl. The results reveal selective sweeps of favourable alleles and mutations that may have contributed to domestication. One selective sweep, for instance, occurred at the locus encoding the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor, which is important in metabolism and in the timing of vertebrate reproduction.

    • Carl-Johan Rubin
    • , Michael C. Zody
    •  & Leif Andersson
  • Letter |

    Genotype and phenotype cannot be connected simply by one-to-one mapping; instead they are linked by the nonlinear process of development. Here, a computational model is described — based on real data about the development of seal teeth — that attempts to combine the three. The results show that a few genetic parameters regulating signalling during cusp development may explain variation among individuals. But a cellular parameter regulating epithelial growth may explain tooth-to-tooth variation along the jaw.

    • Isaac Salazar-Ciudad
    •  & Jukka Jernvall
  • Letter |

    Signalling through the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is preceded by its dimerization, which has typically been thought to occur through a ligand-induced conformational change. Here, the dimerization dynamics of individual EGFR molecules have been determined in living cells in real time, using a quantum-dot-based approach. Unliganded EGFR molecules undergo spontaneous and reversible dimerization; these pre-formed dimers are primed for ligand binding and signalling and are enriched at the cell periphery.

    • Inhee Chung
    • , Robert Akita
    •  & Ira Mellman
  • Letter |

    In response to oncogenic stress, the tumour suppressor ARF activates the p53 protein. ARF protein is highly stable in most human cell lines, so it has been thought that ARF activation occurs mainly at the level of transcription. Here, however, ARF is shown to be unstable in normal human cells but stable in cancer cells, through a transcription-independent mechanism. A ubiquitin ligase for ARF is identified and shown to promote ARF degradation in normal cells. This activity is prevented in cancer cells, stabilizing ARF.

    • Delin Chen
    • , Jing Shan
    •  & Wei Gu
  • Letter |

    Severe trauma can lead to death and sepsis in the absence of apparent infection. Here evidence shows that mitochondrial debris, released from damaged cells, is present in the circulation of seriously injured trauma patients. Such debris is shown to activate neutrophils via specific formyl peptide receptors, triggering systemic inflammation and end organ injury.

    • Qin Zhang
    • , Mustafa Raoof
    •  & Carl J. Hauser
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Deep metagenomic sequencing and characterization of the human gut microbiome from healthy and obese individuals, as well as those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, provide the first insights into this gene set and how much of it is shared among individuals. The minimal gut metagenome as well as the minimal gut bacterial genome is also described.

    • Junjie Qin
    • , Ruiqiang Li
    •  & Jun Wang
  • Letter |

    During fasting SIRT3 is induced in liver and brown adipose tissue. One of SIRT3's substrates is shown to be long–chain acyl co-enzyme A dehydrogenase (LCAD). Without SIRT3 LCAD becomes hyperacetylated, which diminishes its activity, and reduces fatty acid oxidation. Mice without SIRT3 have all the hallmarks of fatty acid oxidation disorders during fasting, including reduced ATP levels and intolerance to cold. Thus, acetylation is a novel regulatory mechanism for fatty acid oxidation.

    • Matthew D. Hirschey
    • , Tadahiro Shimazu
    •  & Eric Verdin
  • News Feature |

    The bold ambitions of one institute could make China the world leader in genome sequencing. David Cyranoski asks if its science will survive the industrial ramp-up.

    • David Cyranoski
  • Letter |

    Each human cell contains hundreds of copies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), making it difficult to characterize mtDNA completely. Here, massively parallel sequencing-by-synthesis of mtDNA reveals widespread heterogeneity (heteroplasmy) in the mtDNA of normal human cells, and homoplasmic and heteroplasmic mutations in cancer cells. The findings provide new insight into the nature and variability of mtDNA sequences, with implications for forensic analysis and the development of biomarkers for cancer.

    • Yiping He
    • , Jian Wu
    •  & Nickolas Papadopoulos
  • Letter |

    An understanding of how fat cells (adipocytes) develop will contribute to our understanding of obesity. The differentiation of committed preadipocytes into adipocytes is known to be controlled by PPARγ and several other transcription factors. But what turns a cell into a preadipocyte? Here, the zinc-finger protein Zfp423 is identified as a transcriptional regulator of preadipocyte determination.

    • Rana K. Gupta
    • , Zoltan Arany
    •  & Bruce M. Spiegelman
  • Letter |

    The existence of all-female species of whiptail lizard, formed as a hybrid between sexual species, has been known since 1962; however, how the meiotic program is altered to produce diploid eggs while maintaining heterozygosity has remained unclear. Here it is shown in parthenogenetic species that meiosis initiates with twice the number of chromosomes compared to sexual species, and that pairing and recombination takes place between genetically identical sister chromosomes instead of between homologues.

    • Aracely A. Lutes
    • , William B. Neaves
    •  & Peter Baumann
  • Letter |

    Genomic instability has been implicated in tumour development. Here, a new mouse model of Kras-driven lung tumours has been developed, in which genomic instability is caused by overexpression of the mitotic checkpoint protein Mad2. In this model, inhibiting Kras leads to tumour regression, as shown previously. But tumours recur at a much higher rate.

    • Rocio Sotillo
    • , Juan-Manuel Schvartzman
    •  & Robert Benezra
  • Letter |

    Worldwide, 170 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus, which is a significant cause of liver-related illnesses and deaths. Standard treatment combines pegylated interferon alpha and ribavirin (RBV), but has some negative effects, notably RBV-induced haemolytic anaemia. Here, a genome-wide study shows that a deficiency in the enzyme inosine triphosphatase protects against haemolytic anaemia in patients receiving RBV.

    • Jacques Fellay
    • , Alexander J. Thompson
    •  & David B. Goldstein
  • Letter |

    Sequence variations in a 58-kilobase interval on human chromosome 9p21 have been associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease. However, this interval contains no protein-coding genes and the mechanism underlying the increased risk has been unclear. Here, the corresponding interval has been deleted from mouse chromosome 4, revealing that this part of the chromosome regulates the cardiac expression of two nearby genes, Cdkn2a and Cdkn2b, and the proliferation dynamics of vascular cells.

    • Axel Visel
    • , Yiwen Zhu
    •  & Len A. Pennacchio
  • Article |

    Even genetically identical organisms in homogeneous environments vary, indicating that randomness in developmental processes such as gene expression may generate phenotypic diversity. Intestinal specification in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, in which wild-type cell fate is invariant and controlled by a small transcriptional network, is now studied. The results demonstrate that mutations in developmental networks can expose stochastic variability in gene expression, leading to phenotypic variation.

    • Arjun Raj
    • , Scott A. Rifkin
    •  & Alexander van Oudenaarden
  • Letter |

    The vertebrate body plan shows marked bilateral symmetry, although this can be disrupted in conditions such as scoliosis. Here, a mutation in Rere is found that leads to the formation of asymmetrical somites in mouse embryos; furthermore, Rere is shown to control retinoic acid signalling, which is required to maintain somite symmetry by interacting with Fgf8. The results provide insight into how bilateral symmetry is maintained.

    • Gonçalo C. Vilhais-Neto
    • , Mitsuji Maruhashi
    •  & Olivier Pourquié
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Homozygous gene deletions in cancer cells occur over recessive cancer genes (where they can confer selective growth advantage) or over genes at fragile sites of the genome (where they are thought to reflect increased DNA breakage). Here, a large number of homozygous deletions in a collection of cancer cell lines are identified and analysed to derive structural signatures for the two different types of deletion. More deletions are found in inherently fragile regions, and fewer overlying recessive genes.

    • Graham R. Bignell
    • , Chris D. Greenman
    •  & Michael R. Stratton
  • Article |

    One way of discovering genes with key roles in cancer development is to identify genomic regions that are frequently altered in human cancers. Here, high-resolution analyses of somatic copy-number alterations (SCNAs) in numerous cancer specimens provide an overview of regions of focal SCNA that are altered at significant frequency across several cancer types. An oncogenic function is also found for the anti-apoptosis genes MCL1 and BCL2L1, which reside in amplified genome regions in many cancers.

    • Rameen Beroukhim
    • , Craig H. Mermel
    •  & Matthew Meyerson
  • Letter
    | Open Access

    Until now, fully sequenced human genomes of the indigenous hunter-gatherer peoples of southern Africa have been limited to recently diverged populations. The complete genome sequences of an indigenous hunter-gatherer from the Kalahari Desert and of a Bantu from southern Africa are now presented. The extent of whole-genome and exome diversity is characterized; the observed genomic differences may help to pinpoint genetic adaptations to an agricultural lifestyle.

    • Stephan C. Schuster
    • , Webb Miller
    •  & Vanessa M. Hayes
  • News & Views |

    When environmental temperatures rise, plants seek help from their core molecular mechanisms to adapt. The chromatin protein H2A.Z, which regulates gene expression, is one such rescue molecule.

    • Roger B. Deal
    •  & Steven Henikoff
  • News & Views |

    The production of intestinal cells in a worm embryo is regulated by a network of transcription factors. Studies of these networks in mutant worms provide evidence for stochastic effects in gene expression.

    • Adrian Streit
    •  & Ralf J. Sommer