Endosomes articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    A mechanism for phosphoinositide conversion at endosomes to enable exit from the endosomal system, suggesting that defective phosphoinositide conversion at endosomes underlies X-linked centronuclear myopathy.

    • Katharina Ketel
    • , Michael Krauss
    •  & Volker Haucke
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    Central spindle asymmetry, generated by the kinesin Klp10A and its antagonist Patronin, polarizes endosome motility and provides a mechanism for the asymmetric segregation of signalling endosomes observed in a variety of asymmetrically dividing cell types.

    • Emmanuel Derivery
    • , Carole Seum
    •  & Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan
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    Repeated contacts between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and a subset of endosomes called late endosomes (LEs) is shown to promote microtubule-dependent translocation of LEs to the cell periphery and their subsequent fusion with the plasma membrane to induce outgrowth of neuronal protrusions.

    • Camilla Raiborg
    • , Eva M. Wenzel
    •  & Harald Stenmark
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    Ultrastructural analysis of synaptic vesicle recycling reveals that clathrin is not required for the initial rapid step of vesicle recycling by ultrafast endocytosis at the plasma membrane and instead clathrin acts later at an endosome to regenerate synaptic vesicles; however, when ultrafast endocytosis does not occur (for example, in experiments at room temperature rather than physiological temperature), clathrin-mediated endocytosis does happen at the plasma membrane.

    • Shigeki Watanabe
    • , Thorsten Trimbuch
    •  & Erik M. Jorgensen
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    The endo-lysosomal transporters SLC15A3 and SLC15A4 provide a portal of entry for extracellular bacterial products that activate the cytoplasmic sensor NOD2; these results establish the importance of endosomes as signalling platforms specialized for triggering innate immune responses.

    • Norihiro Nakamura
    • , Jennie R. Lill
    •  & Ira Mellman
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    The small GTPase Rab5 has been proposed to be a master regulator of endosome biogenesis; using in vivo RNA interference and mathematical modelling it is shown here that the endolysosomal system is resilient to loss of Rab5 until its concentration drops below a critical level, at which point endosomes are lost, leading to increased serum low-density lipoprotein levels, alterations in metabolism and hepatocellular polarity.

    • Anja Zeigerer
    • , Jerome Gilleron
    •  & Marino Zerial