Bioremediation articles within Nature Communications


  • Perspective
    | Open Access

    The way we generate and treat plastic waste is a key consideration in the transition from a take-make-waste model to a truly circular economy. Here, authors discuss their views on how biotechnology could contribute to solving the plastic problem, and the barriers we need to overcome to make such approaches a reality.

    • Amelia R. Bergeson
    • , Ashli J. Silvera
    •  & Hal S. Alper
  • Perspective
    | Open Access

    Microbial degradation and biosynthesis of fluorinated compounds is a field of increasing importance, but is hampered by the significant toxicity of fluoride. Here authors discuss emerging ideas on microbial defluorination/fluorination and fluoride resistance mechanisms, providing guidance on how this knowledge can guide future bioengineering approaches.

    • Randy B. Stockbridge
    •  & Lawrence P. Wackett
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Engineered living materials (ELMs) are emerging as a field at the intersection of materials science and synthetic biology. Here, the authors describe a photosynthetic ELM composed of genetically engineered cyanobacteria in a hydrogel matrix, capable of bioremediation and inducible cell death.

    • Debika Datta
    • , Elliot L. Weiss
    •  & Jonathan K. Pokorski
  • Comment
    | Open Access

    The lack of innovative standards for biosafety in synthetic biology is an unresolved policy gap that limits many potential applications in synthetic biology. We argue that a massive support for standardization in biosafety is required for synthetic biology to flourish.

    • Lei Pei
    • , Michele Garfinkel
    •  & Markus Schmidt
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Existing heavy metal bioremediation systems are mainly based on plants, which require long growing time in specific conditions. Here, the authors mimic the characteristics of plant hyperaccumulators to engineer more tractable baker’s yeast and achieve 10–100-fold higher accumulation of chromium, arsenic, or cadmium.

    • George L. Sun
    • , Erin. E. Reynolds
    •  & Angela M. Belcher
  • Article |

    Genome-scale metabolic models for bacterial species allow a systematic study of inter-species interactions. Here, competitive and cooperative potential is predicted between 6,903 pairs of species, to explore the role of these interactions in shaping coexistence patterns in natural communities.

    • Shiri Freilich
    • , Raphy Zarecki
    •  & Eytan Ruppin