Arts articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Visualising the structure of museum objects is a crucial step in understanding the origin, state, and composition of cultural heritage artifacts. Here the authors present an approach for creating computed tomography reconstructions using only standard 2D radiography equipment already available in most larger museums.

    • Francien G. Bossema
    • , Willem Jan Palenstijn
    •  & K. Joost Batenburg
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Old Masters used paints containing mixtures of oils and proteins, but we lack an understanding on how and why proteins were used. Here, the authors use egg yolk in combination with two pigments to evaluate how different repartition of proteinaceous binder can be used to control the flow behaviour as well as drying kinetics and chemistry of oil paints.

    • Ophélie Ranquet
    • , Celia Duce
    •  & Norbert Willenbacher