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    Time flies: in October 2010, Nature Physicscelebrated the fifth anniversary of its launch. We've put together a selection of the articles – comment, review and research papers – that we've published over the past five years, reflecting in particular some 'hot topics' that have seen significant development over that time. We've also included some editorial favourites. We hope you enjoy them too.

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    Darwin and physics? The relevance of Darwin's ideas in physics, the wider context of Darwin's legacy and the controversy that rumbles on are explored in a special collection of articles marking the anniversary of the theory of evolution.

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    Phase transitions are familiar occurrences, such as the freezing of water to ice. When the transition occurs at zero temperature, it is known as a 'quantum phase transition'. As distinct states of matter coexist at a transition, there are quantum fluctuations between them. This Focus explores the resulting – and often surprising – collective behaviour.

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    October 2006 marked the first anniversary of the launch of Nature Physics. To celebrate, the editors have put together their highlights from the first 12 issues. The selection reflects the diversity ofNature Physicscontent — in style of article and in the topics covered. We hope that you will enjoy browsing through the list.

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    2005 is World Year of Physics, in honour of Einstein's 1905 annus mirabilis. In a special issue of Nature— published originally in 1921 and now available online for the first time — authors including Eddington, Weyl and Lorentz, and Einstein himself, celebrate his General Theory of Relativity.

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    In 1905, Albert Einstein submitted five papers for publication in Annalen der Physik, covering three topics: the photoelectric effect, brownian motion, and the special theory of relativity. Although diverse in subject matter, these contributions are landmarks in their field - and testament to Einstein's genius. To honour their centenary, 2005 has been designated 'World Year of Physics'.Naturejoins the celebrations with the publication of this special supplement.