Reviews & Analysis

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  • We highlight the BUDDY software, which was developed to accurately determine the molecular formulae of unknown chemicals in mass spectrometry data. BUDDY is a bottom-up approach that shows superior annotation performance on reference spectra and experimental datasets. Incorporation of global peak annotation could enable BUDDY to refine formula annotations and reveal feature interrelationships.

    Research Briefing
  • Unlike cell surface proteins, secreted proteins are difficult to quantify and trace back to individual cells. We show that the capture of secreted proteins onto their source cell surfaces using an affinity matrix enables simultaneous measurement of protein secretion, cell surface proteins and transcriptomics in thousands of cells at single-cell resolution.

    Research Briefing
  • Cells exchange information with one another using secreted chemicals as data carriers. We developed an all-optogenetic synaptic transmission system that replaced a chemical neurotransmitter with emitted photons. This system enabled synthetic signaling between unconnected neurons and the generation of prosthetic synaptic circuits.

    Research Briefing
  • This Perspective introduces biologists interested in computational approaches to the benefits of the Julia programming language for meeting current and future computational demands.

    • Elisabeth Roesch
    • Joe G. Greener
    • Michael P. H. Stumpf
  • Simultaneous maximization of sensitivity, data completeness and throughput in mass-spectrometry proteomics often necessitates trade-offs. To mitigate these trade-offs, we introduce a prioritization algorithm that achieves high sensitivity and data completeness while maximizing throughput. With prioritized single-cell proteomics (pSCoPE), we consistently and accurately quantify proteins and their post-translational modifications in single macrophages and link them to endocytic activity.

    Research Briefing
  • Two new Brillouin microscopes leverage line-scanning to overcome previous limitations of the technique, enabling fast imaging, with low phototoxicity, of mechanical properties in living embryos of model organisms and tumor spheroids.

    • Nargess Khalilgharibi
    • Giulia Paci
    • Yanlan Mao
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  • We evolved the brilliant monomeric red fluorescent protein mScarlet3 using a multiparameter screening approach. Owing to a newly engineered hydrophobic patch inside its β-barrel structure, mScarlet3 combines a high quantum yield and high fluorescence lifetime with fast and complete maturation. Consequently, mScarlet3 performs well as a fusion tag in live-cell imaging.

    Research Briefing
  • Integration of single-cell molecular profiling with cellular spatial localization has remained an elusive goal. Image-seq leverages high-resolution microscopy to spatially resolve and isolate viable bone marrow and leukemia cells for subsequent state-of-the art, single-cell transcriptomics.

    • John P. Chute
    • Joshua P. Sasine
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  • Light-activated drugs and signaling molecules have therapeutic potential and are valuable experimental tools. Photoactivation of a mu opioid receptor agonist in the mouse brain rapidly triggered pain relief and locomotion, demonstrating that in vivo photopharmacology can drive dynamic studies into animal behavior.

    Research Briefing
  • Although structural variation is less explored than single-nucleotide variation, recent studies have shown it to be associated with several human diseases. Three fresh computational methods might help to elucidate this inadequately understood part of our genetic makeup.

    • Mile Sikic
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  • empowers real-time variant monitoring and tracing of associated publications and resources during the ‘infodemic’ of SARS-CoV-2.

    • Bas B. Oude Munnink
    • Marion Koopmans
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  • New three-photon miniature microscopes open the study of neuronal networks to those deep in the brains of behaving animals.

    • Jérôme A. Lecoq
    • Roman Boehringer
    • Benjamin F. Grewe
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  • Optimal design of spatial transcriptomic experiments allows statistical evaluation of the impact of various biological and technological features on the discovery of cell phenotypes.

    • Dario Righelli
    • Andrea Sottosanti
    • Davide Risso
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