Research articles

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  • Nitryl chloride, an active halogen, can be produced through the night-time reaction of dinitrogen pentoxide with chloride-containing aerosol in the polluted marine boundary, and has been measured at levels that are sufficient to affect the photochemistry of oxidants off the southwestern US coast and near Houston, Texas.

    • Hans D. Osthoff
    • James M. Roberts
    • Steven S. Brown
  • Attaching a ‘floating’ tree-ring chronology to ice core records that cover the abrupt Younger Dryas cold interval during the last glacial termination provides a better estimate of the onset and duration of the radiocarbon anomaly. The chronology suggests that marine records may be biased by changes in the concentration of radiocarbon in the ocean, which may affect the accuracy of a popular radiocarbon calibration program during this interval.

    • R. Muscheler
    • B. Kromer
    • J. Southon
  • In the year AD 365, an earthquake and tsunami destroyed much of the eastern Mediterranean coastal regions. The distribution of uplift at the time suggests that the earthquake occurred on a fault within the overriding plate at the subduction zone beneath Crete, and not on the subduction interface itself.

    • B. Shaw
    • N. N. Ambraseys
    • M. D. Piggott
  • A large lens-shaped feature bounded by shear zones characterizes the remnant slab beneath the Hindu Kush region. Rather than dripping by viscous flow, the slab is actively stretching and might eventually break off before descending further into the underlying mantle.

    • Gordon Lister
    • Brian Kennett
    • Marnie Forster
  • Dust input to alpine lakes in the western United States has risen dramatically following westward expansion of human settlements and increased livestock grazing over the past two centuries. The increased dust flux deposits additional nutrients and minerals to the lakes, with important implications for water chemistry, productivity and nutrient cycling.

    • J. C. Neff
    • A. P. Ballantyne
    • R. L. Reynolds