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TRIM45 facilitates NASH-progressed HCC by promoting fatty acid synthesis via catalyzing FABP5 ubiquitylation


Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is rapidly surpassing viral hepatitis as the primary cause of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, understanding of NASH-progressed HCC remains poor, which might impede HCC diagnosis and therapy. In this study, we aim to identify shared transcriptional changes between NASH and HCC, of which we focused on E3 ligase TRIM45. We found TRIM45 exacerbates HCC cells proliferation and metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Further transcriptome analysis revealed TRIM45 predominantly affects fatty acid metabolism and oleic acid restored impaired proliferation and metastasis of TRIM45-deficient HCC cells. IP-tandem mass spectrum and FABP5 depriving experiment indicated that TRIM45 enhance fatty acid synthesis depending on FABP5 presence. Interestingly, we found TRIM45 directly added K33-type and K63-type poly-ubiquitin chains to FABP5 NLS domain, which ultimately promoted FABP5 nuclear translocation. Nuclear FABP5 interacted with PPARĪ³ to facilitate downstream lipid synthesis gene expression. We observed TRIM45 accelerated NASH-to-HCC transition and exacerbated both NASH and NASH-HCC with the enhanced fatty acid production in vivo. Moreover, high concentration of fatty acid increased TRIM45 expression. The established mechanism was substantiated by gene expression correlation in TCGA-LIHC. Collectively, our research revealed a common lipid reprograming process in NASH and HCC and identified the cyclical amplification of the TRIM45-FABP5-PPARĪ³-fatty acid axis. This signaling pathway offers potential therapeutic targets for therapeutic intervention in NASH and NASH-progressed HCC.

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Fig. 1: TRIM45 was predicted to be critical in NASH to HCC progression.
Fig. 2: TRIM45 enhances the proliferation and metastasis of HCC cells.
Fig. 3: TRIM45 exacerbates HCC in vivo.
Fig. 4: TRIM45 facilitated HCC proliferation by promoting lipid synthesis.
Fig. 5: TRIM45 increased fatty acids synthesis through interaction with FABP5.
Fig. 6: TRIM45 promoted FABP5 nuclear entry via adding polyubiquitin chains to FABP5 NLS domain.
Fig. 7: FABP5 regulated the expression of fatty acid synthesis genes across PPARĪ³.
Fig. 8: TRIM45 augmented NASH-progressed HCC and lipid synthesis in vivo.

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Data availability

Full data will be available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. The RNA-sequencing data for this study are deposited in GEO database (GSE261075).


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We would like to acknowledge and thank the teachers from the Scientific Research Center of Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University for their help in this study.


This work was supported by Key Research and Development Program of Hubei Province (Grant No. 2021BCA114) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 82300675).

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XL, WH, XC, TW and YY devised and coordinated the project. WH, XC, TW and YY supervised the project. XL, HW and FL collected clinical HCC samples, XL, FL, JZ, DZ and YZ performed most of the experiments, XL, WH analyzed data. XL, PX, and WM provided significant intellectual input. XL, WH and WM wrote the manuscript with input from all other authors.

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Correspondence to Tiangen Wu, Haitao Wang or Yufeng Yuan.

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The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki principles. All animal experiments were approved by the Animal Use and Care Committees at Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University (License No. WP20220494). The human samples and data usage was reviewed and approved by the Scientific Research Ethics Committee of Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University (License No. 2022076ā€‰K).

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Li, X., He, W., Chen, X. et al. TRIM45 facilitates NASH-progressed HCC by promoting fatty acid synthesis via catalyzing FABP5 ubiquitylation. Oncogene (2024).

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