
When Nature Methods' editors sat down last year to select a Method of the Year, it was with the firm intention of making this affair a yearly tradition. It is now time to gear up for the Method of the Year 2008, and this year, we are asking for your opinion. You can nominate candidate methods as well as vote and comment on posted suggestions on the new website—

The Method of the Year event is a celebration of methods development and innovation because we think that methods developers should have their share of the limelight. It is also a fun opportunity to assemble Commentaries, technical information and news items about a method we consider particularly important among the developments that we, as editors, continuously observe across a broad range of disciplines. But we also wanted to take the pulse at the bench and see what you, with firsthand experience, think of recent methods developments. This online voting and nomination process is your opportunity to speak up. We will weigh our decision in light of the popular vote.

We are interested in methods that have come into their own in 2008 and have had a proven impact but also in your views on burgeoning methods which, while they are not quite ready for prime time, are worth watching.

To nominate a candidate method, you must reference a paper or a webpage describing the method, so that other viewers can see exactly what you mean and express their opinions. It is perfectly fine to put forward your own development, as long as you are upfront about your personal interest.

With one click, you can vote for or against a candidate method and, should you wish to, you also have the ability to post comments. All you need is a free account. (You do not need a subscription to the journal.) Go to and vote away!

We look forward to hearing about your Method of the Year!