This week, diamond-containing rocks may help uncover secrets of the Earth’s mantle, and a reflection on science since the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was published.

In this episode:

00:46 Earth’s Evolution

Explosive eruptions have allowed researchers to study Earth’s mysterious mantle. Research Article: Woodhead et al.; News and Views: Enigmatic origin of diamond-bearing rocks revealed

06:08 Research Highlights

Supersonic cork popping, and the timing of vaccines. Research Highlight: An uncorked champagne bottle imitates a fighter jet; Research Highlight: Why midday might be a golden hour for vaccinations

07:53 Don’t Panic

40 years since the publication of the ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’ we reflect on how far science has come.

15:22 News Chat

A huge telescope with exquisite sensitivity is opening in China, and gene-editing to save bananas. News: Gigantic Chinese telescope opens to astronomers worldwide; News: CRISPR might be the banana’s only hope against a deadly fungus

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